MBHS PTO General Meeting


The upcoming PTO General Meeting on Tuesday, February 25th at 11:30am in the MBHS Spartan Arena Cage Club meeting room is one you will want to attend.  Carrie Busby and the College Advisors will be discussing the upcoming changes to the ACT and how those changes and tests will affect college admissions.  We will also vote on the proposed Spartan PTO Slate of Officers for the 2025-26 school year and minor updates to the Spartan PTO bylaws.  We can't wait to see you there!


Mountain Brook Community Crisis Line



Mountain Brook Community Crisis Line is available 24/7.


MBHS PTO Slate for 2025-26


Leigh Haver - President

Amy Moore - First VP (President-Elect)

Elizabeth Yeilding - Second VP (Fundraising)

Sumner Rives - Third VP (ALL IN Mountain Brook / Foundation)

Leigh Ann Speake - VP of Communication

Meg Krawczyk - Treasurer

Katie McNeil - Assistant Treasurer

Alison Lassiter - Recording Secretary

Kim Hobbs - Corresponding Secretary

Morgan Cook - Parliamentarian


MBHS Printed Directory Store is Closed


-Books are being printed and will be delivered via mail as soon as they are available.

-We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our PTO 2024-25 Sponsors, who have made our online directory possible, as well as many other events and activities hosted by the PTO.  It is never too late to purchase a sponsorship.  Click here for access to the PTO Sponsorship Store.  

-Please email mbhsdirectory@gmail.com if you have trouble logging in, or have questions.


MBHS Spartan PTO 2024-25 is HERE!

Hope everyone has enjoyed a great summer!  It is hard to believe it but school is back in session and your Spartan PTO is back at work!! The 2024-25 PTO store open!  Please take time to join the PTO, update your directory information, sign up for a committee, and consider making a donation in support of our efforts!  


Supplies are packed and the faculty is back . . . 

Many thanks to Adrian Hughes and Jaime Sullivan for their hard work getting school supplies packed.  It's all ready for pick up in the cafeteria this week.  (see ParentSquare for details!)  


Teachers are back and planning is underway . . . 



Lisa Costanzo and her wonderful Teacher Appreciation committee hosted a lovely back to school breakfast for our faculty and staff on Friday morning, August 2nd.  It was a great way to welcome back our teachers and it was much appreciated by all who attended!


The Grounds Committee is already hard at work . . . 

Thank you to Ensley Darnall and her hard working Committee for taking time out of a hot summer weekend to clean up the area around the welcome sign! 




May Activities:


Honors Night

Thank you to Kelli Rucker and her Committee for making Honors Night so special.  They provided lovely decorations, Chick Fil-A and decorated cookies at a reception in Spartan Arena.



Dead Day Snacks

Thanks to Bronwyne Chapman, Elizabeth Yeilding and their Committee for providing snacks to juniors and sophomores on Dead Day.  The Library was a happening place as students came to get chocolate, candy and cookies on the last day of school before exams.  



PTO Meeting and New Officer Installation

The last PTO meeting of the year was held at Stacy White's home on May 9th.  The PTO Officers for 2024-2025 were installed: Lelie Wright - Parliamentarian, Julia Doster - Recording Secretary, Meg Krawczyk - Assistant Treasurer, Leigh Ann Speake - VP Technology, Morgan Cook - President, Kerri Windle - VP Fundraising, Leigh Haver - President Elect, Meredith Spencer - VP All In/Foundation.  Not pictured: Lee Allice Estes and Kelly Robicheaux.



AP Snacks

A HUGE Thank You to Karon Staples and Amy Dobbins for organizing snacks every day during AP exams for our students. AP exams happen from May 6-10 and 13-17 and often there are two tests per day.  Karon and Amy and their Committee do a great job of providing all type of snacks and drinks for those students to keep up their stamina and fuel their brain during these two weeks!


Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10

We celebrated our teachers and staff all week in so many ways!  Jana Rome, Lisa Costanzo and their Committee did an incredible job all week to make our teachers feel special!



Monday - Nothing Bundt Cakes provided Bundtini cakes for all teachers

Tuesday - Snacks were provided in the library for all teachers

Wednesday - Cookie Fix donated a cookie to every teacher

Thursday -  Prizes obtained by the TA Committee were raffled off to teachers

Friday - Taco Mama donated a Mexican feast for lunch for everyone




National School Lunch Hero Day was Friday, May 3rd.  The Support Staff Appreciation Committee chaired by Leigh Anne Lambert and Kelli Rucker surprised the cafeteria staff with a gift.  They are the best!




April Updates:


National Honor Society Induction

Mandi Cooper and her committee organized a lovely reception for the students inducted into the National Honor Society on Apri 24th.  The students and their parents enjoyed Chick-fil-A and cookies from Magic Muffins to celebrate their accomplishments!


Awards Day

Thank you to Kathryn Burns for coordinating the reception in the Cage Club after Awards Day on April 24th.  PTO provides the food and drinks as well as the volunteers to make this reception happen for all students who are honored at Awards Day and their parents.  Special thanks to the Awards Day committee and to Sara Ellen Allbritton and Jennifer McGahey for their help!




Empty Nesters' Luncheon

The PTO held a luncheon on April 18th for all mothers whose last child is graduating from the high school.  Morgan Cook graciously opened her beautiful home to host the luncheon.  Julie Sandner and Ila Worthen planned with event with help from a wonderful committee.  This is one the best events PTO sponsors each year, and it was so much fun!  We had prizes for the mother with the most children in the school system (a 4-way tie with 4 children) and for the mother who has been in the school system for the longest number of years (a 2-way tie for 24 years).



Thanks to Ensley Darnall for chairing our Grounds Committee.  She makes sure the entrances to the school look great and fills the planters with gorgeous flowers.


National Assistant Principal Week and Office Appreciation

On April 3rd, the Support Staff Committee led by Leigh Anne Lambert and Kelli Rucker provided lunch to all of the administrators and office staff at school.

National School Librarian Day

On April 4th, we celebrated the two librarians at school.  The Support Staff Committee brought lunch and flowers to them.


March Update:


Teachers enjoyed spring treats courtesy of the PTO on March 19th.  Thanks to Jana Rome, Lisa Costanzo and the Teacher Appreciation Committee for providing sweets in the conference room!


Circle of Friends Week:

MBHS celebrated Circle of Friends week during March 11-15.  Thanks to Emily Pruet and Kelly Holbert and their committee for coordinating the celebration of students and teachers during the week.  The theme was "There is a Hero in All of Us".  On Monday, they served muffins to all staff for breakfast; on Wednesday, lunch was provided for the special education team; on Friday, the drum line welcomed all students to school. In addition, members of the Circle of Friends Club handed out stickers and encouraged everyone to sign a banner pledging to be a good friend.


ACT Lunch:

Thank you to Lisa Costanzo and the Teacher Appreciation Committee for serving lunch after the ACT on March 12th.  The PTO provides lunch for all teachers who serve as proctors during this exam.



February Happenings:


PTO Meeting on February 22nd

Who is running this show anyway? We had a 'Get to know Us" conversation with Carrie Busby, Lars Porter, Eric Hollis and Andy Urban on Thursday, February 22nd at 11:30.  If you missed the meeting, you can watch it here:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pBqsqZH-Q9uBpewgvf99L3dV20Qrm4u4/view?usp=sharing

National SRO Appreciation Day

Leigh Anne Lambert and Kelli Rucker, chairs of the Support Staff Committee, provided lunch for Officer Knecht and Officer Jones and our security guards on February 15th.  The PTO is grateful for all they do to keep our school and students safe!

Valentine's Day Fun: 

The Teacher Appreciation Committee provided a Candy Bar for teachers and staff to show them some love!


The Library/Student Appreciation Committee decorated the library and provided treats for students on Valentines' Day.


Kaleidoscope (Career Day):

Kelly Thompson and Mary Anna Malone chaired Kaleidoscope on February 7th.  They invited 29 speakers to share their career stories with our students. The students could choose three speakers from a variety of careers such as banking, education, engineering, forestry, journalism, medicine, real estate, website development and more.  The event was a HUGE success thanks to Kelly, Mary Anna and the entire Kaleidoscope Committee.  See many of the professionals below who were so generous to share their time and knowledge with our students.


 Counselor Appreciation:

The PTO provided lunch and cookies for all of the counselors at the High School during National School Counselor Appreciation Week.  Thanks to Leigh Anne Lambert and Kelli Rucker for coordinating lunch.  Some of the counselors are pictured below.

Printed PTO Directories

Thank you to Leigh Ann Speake for working so hard to provide printed PTO directories. These were available for purchase last semester and we have a few left.  They will be available for $14 at the PTO meeting on February 22nd.


January Updates: 


Thank you to Jana Rome and Lisa Costanzo for organizing a Mardi Gras "party" for MBHS teachers and staff on Tuesday, January 30th.  They decorated the teachers' work room and provided king cakes and snacks for everyone to enjoy.


Thank you to the PTO Nominating Committee which included Maretta Ashford, Joan Short, Hill Weathers and Lelie Wright and chaired by Betsy Byars.  These dedicated volunteers worked hard to collaborate and put together the proposed PTO officer slate for 2024-2025.  The slate includes:
PTO President - Morgan Cook
1st VP, President-Elect - Leigh Haver
2nd VP, Fundraising - Kerri Windle
3rd VP, AIMB/Foundation - Meredith Spencer
VP, Communications/Technology - Leigh Ann Speake
Treasurer - Joan Short
Assistant Treasurer - Meg Krawczyk
Recording Secretary - Julia Doster
Corresponding Secretary - Kelly Robicheaux
Parliamentarian - Lelie Wright
We will vote to approve the 2024-2025 officer slate at the PTO General Meeting on Thursday, February 22nd.



College Admissions Workshop

Emily Holmes and Britt Redden led PTO efforts to support the College Admissions Workshop on January 18th-19th.  The college counselors at the High School invited six college admissions counselors to speak to parents on Thursday evening and host a workshop for students on Friday morning.  Emily, Britt and other PTO volunteers provided transportation to/from the airport and hotel, goodie bags and snacks at the hotel and registration support for both days.  Laura Comer opened her beautiful home to host a luncheon on Friday at the conclusion of the event.  Thanks to Emily, Britt, Laura and their Committee for helping to make this event such a success!   


 Alumni Day

Alumni Day was held on January 3rd, the first day back for students.  Meg Kerr and Nikki Still coordinated this event and invited 32 MBHS graduates to come back to school to talk with our students.  We had college students from Auburn, Alabama, UGA, UVA, W&L, Samford, West Point, Fordham, Baylor and a few others.  They talked about the college admissions and decision-making process, how to navigate college campuses and how prepared they are for college classes thanks to MBHS.  It was a fantastic day according to current students and graduates - a great way to start second semester! 





 December Updates:


Dead Day for Students:

The Student Appreciation / Library Committee, led by Bronwyne Chapman and Elizabeth Yeilding, provided hot chocolate, coffee and candy for students on December 11th.  This is such a treat for students and provides a study break on the last day of school before exams.  The Library was a happening place that day!!


Holiday Gifts for Teachers and Staff:

The Teacher Appreciation Committee, led by Jana Rome and Julie Costanzo, held a holiday shopping extravaganza for the teachers and staff.  Each person was able to choose four gifts from a selection of ten different items from Alabama Goods.  The teachers and staff members selected their gifts which were then wrapped and presented in a gift bag.  There were also cookies and hot cider for everyone to enjoy.  


Holiday Decorations

Ensley Darnall, Chair of the Grounds Committee, put decorations at the front of the high school for the holiday season. Thank you, Ensley, for always making our school look its best! 


Gifts for Custodians and Child Nutrition Staff:

The PTO gave gift cards to the custodians and lunchroom staff for the holidays.  Thanks to Leigh Anne Lambert and Kelly Rucker for coordinating this treat for them.


November Updates:


Teacher Appreciation Lunch

The Teacher Appreciation Committee provided lunch for all teachers/staff on Monday, November 20th.  16 volunteers made different kinds of soup and packaged it up in brown bags.  Emily Ball made 180 cookies for dessert.  The teachers were so grateful to have lunch provided and to have so many choices of soups. Thanks to the MANY volunteers who gave their time and talent on a busy Thanksgiving week to show our teachers our appreciation!

Thanksgiving Gift for Administrators

Thanks to Leigh Anne Lambert and Kelli Rucker, chairs of the Support Staff Committee, for sharing our appreciation with Administrators.  The PTO provided Mrs. Busby, Mr. Hollis and Mr. Porter with Village Gold gift certificates to let them know how thankful we are for what they do at MBHS. 

Legislative Forum

The annual Legislative Forum was held at the Mountain Brook Board of Education on Tuesday, November 14th.  The Mountain Brook and Vestavia school systems partnered in this event to host 4 state legislators to discuss topics pertinent to our schools.  Dr. Barlow, Superintendent of MB Schools and Dr. Freeman, Superintendent of Vestavia City Schools began the meeting with opening remarks and then we had round table discussions with the four legislators.  Thanks to Julie Pearce and Rebecca Acken for participating in this event and representing MBHS.



PTO General Membership Meeting 


A PTO meeting was held on November 16th at 11:30 in the Black Box theater.  We heard from a fantastic panel of speakers: Alice Churnock, MA, LPC, Laura Finch, LPC and Dale Wisely, PhD.  They addressed current mental health issues including anxiety and depression.  The discussion included how to deal with the pressures and the expectation of perfection, how parents can respond when dealing with emotional teens and how to encourage peer support. Thanks to Morgan Cook for organizing this panel and to Becky Holt, Executive Director of All In Mountain Brook for partnering with us for the meeting.


Click on this link to see a recording of the meeting: 






All In MB Student Conference

The PTO partnered with All In Mountain Brook to hold a student conference on November 1st.  Anna Emblom, 3rd VP for PTO, and Katherine Inge, AIMB Board member, coordinated numerous speakers for the high school students to hear.  All students were able to hear David Magee, author of Dear William: A Father's Memoir of Addiction, Recovery, Love and Loss. Students were then encouraged to select two other speakers/topics including resilience, nutrition, social media, safe driving, college selection and more.  This conference was a huge success according to the speakers (many of whom said they would love to participate next year) and according to feedback from students.  Pictures of some of the speakers are below.




October Updates:


Halloween Fun

The PTO Library / Student Appreciation Committee chaired by Bronwyne Chapman and Elizabeth Yeilding decorated the library for Halloween.  The librarians played Halloween movies all day on Monday, October 31st. The PTO provided buckets of Halloween candy and decorations for students to enjoy throughout the day. 


October is National Principals Month

The PTO thanked Principal Carrie Busby for her dedication and support with a small gift on October 24th.  This is her first year as Principal and her sixth year at MBHS.


Teacher Appreciation Lunches

The Teacher Appreciation Committee led by Jana Rome and Lisa Costanzo provided lunch for the teachers who served as proctors for the PSAT and the Pre-ACT tests.   We are grateful that they give their time (several hours) and full attention to administer and monitor these tests. Thanks to Lisa and Jana for coordinating lunch!


National Custodian Appreciation Day

We celebrated our custodians on Monday, October 2nd which was National Custodian Appreciation Day.  Thank you to Leigh Anne Lambert and Kelli Rucker, Support Staff Committee Chairs, for providing lunch to all of our custodians and giving out "We❤️  our Custodians" stickers to all students. The cheerleaders made an awesome banner which hung in Spartans Commons.


September Updates:


Teacher Appreciation Event:

Jana Rome, Lisa Costanzo and members of the Teacher Appreciation Committee held a fun Tailgate in the teachers' lounge on Friday, September 22nd.  We provided Krystal burgers and other snacks for all teachers and staff to enjoy.


PTO General Meeting


The PTO meeting on September 21st featured a panel discussion with high school seniors.  Principal Carrie Busby facilitated a question and answer session which gave parents information about getting involved in activities/clubs on campus, time management tips, stressors at the high school and social life in high school. We had great attendance and light refreshments were provided by Melissa Huddleston.   




August 16, 2023 Update:


GROUNDS UPDATE: Over the summer, in preparation for school starting, the Grounds Committee, chaired by Ensley Darnall, updated the planters at the front of the school, at the main entrance, and by Spartan Arena.  Thank you to Ensley and her committee for helping to keep our campus beautiful.


NEW FAMILY COFFEE: Allison Stallcup hosted a coffee at her house to welcome families who are new to our school system.  This was a joint event for the High School and Junior High.  Allison and her committee provided a light breakfast as well as connections and contact information to make the transition to a new school easier for families.


BACK TO SCHOOL LUNCHEON FOR TEACHERS: Joanna Hufham, Virginia Stewart and their committee provided a delicious Back to School Lunch from Taco Mama for all teachers and staff the day before school started.  


MBHS OPEN HOUSE: Shannon Bass and her committee provided refreshments at the PTO Hospitality table during Open House on August 11th.  


TEACHER APPRECIATION: A Back to School Breakfast for all teachers/staff was held on Monday, July 31st.  Teacher Appreciation chairs Jana Rome and Lisa Constanzo welcomed teachers on their first day back with a delicious breakfast.  Every teacher and staff member received a fun t-shirt as a welcome back gift.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Many thanks to Adrian Hughes and Bradley Norris, School Supply Chairs, for coordinating over 50 volunteers to help organize and distribute school supplies to students. This is a HUGE endeavor as we work with teachers and SGE to help students get their school supplies. Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help!  


SCHOOL PICTURES: Aimee Forbus coordinated volunteers to help with School Pictures for sophomores and juniors.  


PTO INFORMATION: The Directory Committee, chaired by Leigh Ann Speake, worked hard during registration to update demographic information for our PTO directory.  If you have not updated your information, please login and click on My Account in the website menu to verify your information.


July 10, 2023 Update:


We hope you are enjoying the summer!  The Spartan PTO is preparing for a great school year filled with events, programs, and other ways to support our students and teachers. Our organization benefits every student by hosting fun events in the library, an alumni day, a career day, and receptions for multiple programs.  We are excited to share that a significant portion of our funds will contribute to purchasing new furniture in the Mall this year.  



The PTO needs your help with three tasks this month so we can kick off the upcoming school year with success.


1.  Join the PTO at your desired level of giving.  These funds are always used to support the classrooms and teachers at MBHS in ways that directly affect your students. The MBHS Spartan PTO Board, with guidance from MBHS Principal Carrie Busby, will determine the specific needs at Mountain Brook High School to ensure your donations benefit our school in the best way possible. The MBHS Spartan PTO is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible, and are eligible for corporate matching.  Click here to Join the MBHS Spartan PTO.  Email MBSpartanPTO@gmail.com with any questions about sponsorships or membership. 


2.  Volunteer for a Committee.  Please consider how you can help this year.  There is something to fit every schedule and we would love to have your talents and skills.  Click here to Volunteer.    


3.   Update your information for the Student Directory.  We would like to make sure that all of our MBHS families have access to a complete and accurate school directory this year. Everyone's contact information expired on June 30, 2023 and needs to be re-verified now for next school year.  Please verify your contact information for the 2023-24 online directory and for PTO communications by clicking on the link to "My Account" in the main menu and selecting "My Contact Info." 

Email MBHSDirectory@gmail.com if you need help logging in.  


We hope you can join us for PTO Meetings in September, November, February, and April, for engaging conversations on relevant topics.  We have speakers and opportunities to learn more about student life, college preparation, and other community issues. Look for information on our web site and in E-news.


Thank you in advance for your support of the MBHS Spartan PTO! Your help is invaluable to our success, and we greatly appreciate any help you can offer!



June 7, 2023 Update:


On May 10th PTO leadership gathered at the home of outgoing PTO President Collins Clegg's home.  The outgoing Board and Committee Chairs were thanked for all of their hard work.  The new PTO Board was installed.  


Picture Left to Right: Fluff Roberts, Anna Emblom, Leigh Haver, Jaime Sullivan, Stacy White, Leigh Alice Estes and Leigh Ann Speake (Not Pictured: Morgan Cook, Joan Short, Betsy Byars)


Throughout the month of May the PTO Committee, led by Pam Maldea and Karon Staples, provided refreshments for AP Exams, serving out of the concession stand in the Arena.  Our students were very appreciative of the snacks after their hard work taking exams.  







In May we celebrated our teachers throughout National Teacher Appreciation Week.  The PTO Committee, led by Jana Rome, provided teacher treats throughout the week, including Big Spoon Creamery, Cookie Fix, and a festive raffle for some fabulous gift cards and prizes.  Taco Mama donated an amazing Taco Bar to complete the week.  Thank you to our MBHS Staff and Faculty, the PTO committee members who coordinated this week, and to our wonderful supporters, like Taco Mama, for making this week a success.  





On May 11th the PTO Appreciation Committee celebrated Nurse Barbie with a gift of flowers and baloons.



On May 16th the PTO Hospitality Committee, led by Liz Lee, provided refreshments and decorations for Honors Night.  The PTO awarded 4 PTO scholarships to very deserving seniors.



On May 17th the PTO, led by Bronwyne Chapman, provided dead day snacks to celebrate the end of the school year and in preparation for students to take final exams.  





May 1, 2023 Update:


In late April the PTO committee, chaired by Mary Evans, sponsored the Business Department's DECA competition, Business Student Interview Day and Incubator Pitch Night.







On April 25th the PTO hosted the Empty Nester Celebration for parents with their last child graduating.  Thank you to Kerri Windle and Julie Sandner for all of the hard work that went into this event.












On April 26th the Hospitality Committee, led by Amy Littleton, did a fabulous job hosting the reception after Honors Day.  






Also on April 26th the PTO Committee, led by Allison Stallcup, provided decorations and refreshments for the National Honor Society Tapping, that was held in the Arena.






On April 27th the PTO hosted the last General Membership meeting.  A student panel discussed what they want parents to know.  


On April 28th the PTO Appreciation Committee showed the Librarians and Technology Coodinator how much we appreciate their hard work.




April 3, 2023 Update:


Throughout the week of March 13-17 the MBHS community celebrated friendship and inclusivity with a Wizard of Oz themed Circle of Friends Week.  The Spartan PTO Committee, chaired by Kelly Holbert and Emily Pruet, planned an awesome week, packed full of events.  Activities included Dress Up Days: Monday- There’s No Place Like Home (pajamas), Wednesday- Yellow Brick Road (wear yellow), Thursday- We’re off to see the Wizard! (favorite character), and Friday- Circle of Friends t-shirt.  Students stopped by the Circle of Friends table in the mall and signed the pledge to be a good friend. The committee provided candy and stickers up front each morning, and hosted a big drumline celebration on Friday. Thursday students enjoyed a pizza truck and a movie showing, then stayed to cheer our Spartans on in their soccer game that night.








In March the MBHS Broadcast Department was able to complete their new set, which included the new desk that was donated by the PTO.



On March 14th the Teacher Appreciation Committee, led by Jana Rome, provided lunch for the ACT proctors.





On March 17th the PTO Teacher Appreciation Committee spread some St. Patrick's Day cheer and held a "Feeling Lucky" raffle.  Teachers entered by answering a few clever questions on a google doc form.  Congrats to the winners Becton Morgan and Jack Letson.




March 7, 2023 Update:


On February 23, 2023 the PTO hosted a General Membership Meeting in the Cage Club at Spartan Arena.  Speakers Dr. Barlow & Chelsea Cloud spoke about the mission of Mountain Brook Schools as a Learning Organization, and How Anxiety Affects Teenagers.










On February 15th the PTO celebrated Officer Knecht, in alignment with National SRO Appreciation Day.  Pictures of the celebration were posted by The Alabama Association of School Resource Officers with a statement about how much we appreciation the work the SROs do to protect our students and staff while building positive relationships to bridge the gap between law enforcement and our youth.



On February 14th the PTO Teacher Appreciation Committee, chaired by Jana Rome, provided Valentines candy and a yogurt bar, showing some Valentines Day love for our teachers and staff.





The MBHS Spartan PTO hosted the February Board of Education meeting in the high school library.  The PTO Hospitality Committee, with the help of Melissa Huddleston, provided snacks for the meeting.




In early February the PTO hosted the Kaleidoscope Program.  The committee, chaired by Kelly Thompson and Mary Anna Malone, coordinated over 30 business men and women to share their stories with our students.  










On March 2nd the PTO Board toured the newly completed Counselors Suite, Band Room and Dorian's Room.






February 7, 2023 Update:


On January 19th & 20th the PTO assisted MBHS college counselors with a College Admissions workshop and luncheon. There was an evening event for parents and students and a student event and luncheon hosted by Morgan Cook at her home. Chairs, Emily Holmes & Morgan Cook, did an outstanding job organizing, welcoming and hosting the speakers.












On January 27th the PTO Hospitality Committee, Luci Ray and Amy Roberts served the MBHS Counseling Staff lunch and provided a special gift to show our thanks for all they do to support our school, students and MBHS families. 



January 5, 2023 Update:


We are pleased to announce the Spartan PTO 2023-2024 slate for the Executive Board:
- President: Stacy White
- 1st VP (President-Elect): Morgan Cook
- 2nd VP (Fundraising): Leigh Haver
- 3rd VP (AIMB/Foundation): Anna Emblom
- VP of Communications/Technology: Leigh Ann Speake
- Treasurer: Lee Alice Estes
- Assistant Treasurer: Joan Short
- Recording Secretary: Jaime Sullivan
- Corresponding Secretary: Fluff Roberts
- Parliamentarian: Betsy Byars
We will vote on this slate at our February General Membership meeting.
Special thanks to this outstanding group and to our nominating committee!


On November 17th the PTO held a general membership meeting.  The topic of the meeting was Keeping Our Kids Safe.  Stacy White introduced the Speakers, including MB Police Chief Jaye Loggins, School Resource Officer Richard Knecht and Judge K.C. Hairston.  The panel shared information, strategies, and resources with parents that included statistics about teen driving, navigating the legal system if necessary, potential risks and how to avoid or address those, and MB community and school support systems for students and parents.  During this meeting PTO President Collins Clegg presented Principal Phillip Holley with the first PTO donation of this school year.  MBHS plans to use this money to jumpstart the process of purchasing a new sound system for Spartan Commons with this money.  Thank you to all parents and local businesses that helped to make this donation possible!  Amy Roberts announced the members of the PTO Board Nominating Committee.  Refreshments were provided by the Meeting Hospitality committee chaired by Mary Margaret Stephenson.










On November 9th the New Family Committee, chaired by Kam Patton, delivered fun fall treats to all of our MBS new families.



Printed MBHS Directories were received and delivered to the families who took advantage of this opportunity in early November.



On November 15th PTO representatives Emily Lassiter and Collins Clegg attended the Legislative Forum at Vestavia City Hall.  They heard from Senator Dan Roberts and Representatives Jim Carnes, David Faulkner and Mike Shaw.



On November 21st the PTO Teacher Appreciation Committee provided a hot soup lunch for the entire MBHS staff to show how thankful we are for their hard work right before Thanksgiving.  



During the month of December Ensley Darnall and the PTO Grounds Committee enriched areas of the MBHS campus with holiday decorations.



Luci Ray and the Hospitality Committee showed our appreciation for MBHS CNP and Custodians.




On December 12th the Teacher Appreciation Committee, chaired by Jana Rome, and assisted by PTO President Collins Clegg, distributed MBHS blankets to the MBHS staff for holiday gifts.  The group also set up a hot cocoa bar to show our MBHS staff how much we love all they do for us.





Bronwyne Chapman and the Library Committee had a blast serving MBHS students coffee and hot chocolate in the library, spreading holiday cheer as students enjoyed the treats.





The PTO Board sent a Get Well Soon gift basket to MBHS football player Trent Wright, who was recovering from an injury he received at the end of the State Championship Football Game.  We are proud of all of our student athletes, and our football team for their heart, dedication and the way they positively represent our school.



On Tuesday, January 3rd teachers returned to work after the holiday break.  They were greeted by Jana Rome and the Teacher Appreciation Committee, who held a Back to School coffee and donuts.  






The new broadcast desk, purchased with PTO funds, arrived.  Broadcast students now have a more professional set to work with.



On January 4th the PTO hosted MBHS Alumni Day, and it was a huge success!  Thanks to the committee, chaired by Melissa Huddleston and Meg Kerr, for a job well done.  Thanks to all of our MBHS Alumni college students who gave up their morning to share valuable information with our current students.  









November 1, 2022 Update:


PTO Funds are used to support our school in many ways.  Recently the school was able to purchase a new conference room table and chairs for the Incubator Room and a new Broadcast Show desk with money gifted to the school by the Spartan PTO.  




On November 1st All In Mountain Brook hosted the annual Student Conference.  PTO AIMB Committee Chair Britt Redden helped to organize the event and recruited parent volunteers to help.  The event, which included 15 different guests/groups, offered students the opportunity to sign up and attend three sessions of their choice. Topics ranged from peer pressure to safety to preparing for college and life after high school, among many others.  A special thanks to the following individuals/groups for coming to speak with high school students: John Bayles, Ashley Carden, Cameron Cole, Chelsea Cloud, Greg Foster / KC Hairston, Mohini Gunnett, MD, Katherine Jordan, Jared Murray, Lars Porter, Mark Rector, Shane Martin / Holly Martin, Karen Svetlay / Whitney Voltz, Tommy Taylor, Kyle Speer / Brook Speer, Children's Hospital Team / MB Fire Department!






Representatives from the PTO Library Committee, Bronwyn Chapman and Leigh Anne Nomberg, decorated the MBHS Library for Halloween.  The librarians played Halloween movies all day on Monday, October 31st.  The committee collected buckets of candy, donated by parents. for the students to enjoy throughout the day.    





Ensley Darnall with the PTO Grounds Committee updated planters to include some nice fall color.



All In Mountain Brook offered programs to students and parents with speaker Chris Herren on October 27th.  The night event was geared towards adults, and Chris spoke to the MBHS & MBJH students during the school day.  Spartan PTO provided waters and mints for the program and PTO Board AIMB representative Britt Redden helped to organize this event.




On October 6th State Representative David Faulkner visited the PTO Board meeting and shared what our state legislature is doing to improve our state's schools.  David provided a donation to the school that will allow our resource officer to purchase equipment that will help teach our children about the dangers of driving while impaired.  PTO President Collins Clegg gifted a fun and thoughtful hat to Vice Principal Carrie Busby to make her smile and to help show her how much we appreciate all she does.




Throughout the month of October, the PTO Teacher Appreciation committee, chaired by Jana Rome, has been very busy showing our teachers and staff how much we love them.  The committee also provided lunch for the proctors of the PACT and Work-keys on October 4th, E-day on October 7th, and the PSAT on October 12th.  









For the first time in 3 years the PTO offered an option to purchase a printed Student Directory.  The sale was closed on October 21st, after one third of our MBHS families took advantage of this opportunity.




September 30, 2022 Update:


On September 1st the PTO Board met to continue organizing the support of our school.  PTO President Collins Clegg gifted a thoughtful and fun hat to Principal Phillip Holley to make him smile and help show him our appreciation for all he does.



On September 7th the PTO was happy to provide parent volunteers to chaperone the Homecoming Dance.  Thanks to Emily Dunn, Sara and Michael Schilleci, Jana Rome, Beth Gresham, Tracy Simmons, Freedom Whitworth, Ashley Mendelsohn, Nikki Still and Collins Clegg for their time watching over our children and making sure the dance was a success.



On September 15th, the PTO hosted a General Meeting in the Cage Club in Spartan Arena.  The speaker was MBHS Counselor Karen Svetlay, and she shared some valuable information about the process of preparing for college.  Please take a moment to explore the amazing resources and important links provided on the MBHS college advising website.  




On September 21st PTO President Collins Clegg and PTO Directory Committee Chair Leigh Ann Speake met with MBHS Assistant Bookkeeper Joy Boozer to reconcile the student database between the school's records and the PTO's Student Directory database so that the PTO can offer an accurate and complete student directory for this school year.


On September 22nd the PTO Teacher Appreciation committee provided treats for the Teachers and Staff to celebrate the first day of Fall.  Thank you to the committee chair Jana Rome and her committee members for their creative ideas and hard work.




On September 23rd the PTO District Council members hosted a tailgate for the MBHS v Hoover game for the MBS central office staff, principals and assistant principals from each school.   




On September 23rd, the PTO Hospitality - Support Staff Appreciation Committee, chaired by Luci Ray, recognized our MBHS SRO Officers with a banner, balloons, lunch, and a shout out on the broadcast.  






At the end of September the school requested a volunteer represent MBHS by serving on the MBS Calendar Committee.  The PTO was happy to help by providing a representative.




August 31, 2022 Update:


The MBHS Spartan PTO has hit the ground running for the 2022-23 School Year! 


On May 2, 2022 - 2022-2033 PTO officers were installed at the home of Amy Roberts.

2022-23 PTO Board Installation
Picture Left to Right are Philip Holley, Amy Roberts, Britt Redden, Stacy White, Collins Clegg, Dawson Cooper, Leigh Ann Speake, Carolyn Freeman and Leigh Alice Estes (Not Pictured: Lelie Wright, Temple Alexander)



On August 1st, the PTO hosted a Back to School Breakfast for MBHS staff members.  Volunteers cooked hundreds of waffles in the broadcast hallway and assembled 680 mini chicken and waffles.  Also served were yogurts donated from Publix, coffee donated from Starbucks, and a beautiful fruit salad assembled by the PTO committee.  Each staff member was given a new t-shirt, and each new teacher was gifted a personalized Spartan notepad.  Thank you to Committee Chair Jana Rome and her committee for all their hard work in making this event a success!




The Grounds Committee, Chaired by Ensley Darnall, worked diligently to get our campus ready for the start of school.  Ensley, her husband Jack, and committee volunteers did an amazing job. Their hard work included repairing our school entrance sign, refreshing planters, and renewing landscaping throughout campus.  




On August 8th, PTO Volunteers updated over 600 contacts in the School Directory database, assisted with School Pictures, and distributed School Supplies.  During the previous weeks, an army of PTO Volunteers, led by Emily Frost & Cynthia Berryman, recruited helpers, packed hundreds of supply orders, and prepared for this day.  PTO Board members Collins Clegg, Lelie Wright, Britt Redden, Carolyn Freeman and Leigh Ann Speake assisted students and parents find their way and update information.  


On August 9th PTO Volunteers, led by Amy Roberts and Marci Grant, hosted a Fall Faculty Luncheon.  Teachers enjoyed a Fiesta themed lunch with catering from Taco Mama.  




On the morning on August 10th, the New Families Committee from the Junior High and High School welcomed new families to the Mountain Brook Schools community at a Coffee gathering hosted by Committee Chair Kam Patterson at her home.


On Thursday, August 11th the PTO hosted Fall Open House.  A Hospitality Committee, chaired by Emily Dunn, provided and served refreshments to parents throughout this event.  Thank you to all of our amazing teachers for taking time out of their night to meet parents!  Thank you to all of the student volunteers who guided parents and helped them find classrooms!  Thank you to the parents who attended!  




Student representatives, assisted by the All-In Mountain Brook Committee and Chair Britt Redden, have created a list of speakers that will give one minute video presentations on topics related to All-In's mission of enhancing and protecting our youth.  These videos will run on broadcast and will be posted on the AIMB website.  This student driven program already has an amazing line-up that students and parents won't want to miss!  


Planning for our General PTO Meetings is well underway, with topics and speakers arranged by Stacy White, and refreshments organized by Mary Margaret Stephenson.  


Fundraising is off to a great start!  One third of our MBHS families have already joined the Spartan PTO, and we have over 150 Sponsors who have generously donated to help fund our PTO 2022-23 budget.  Thank you to our PTO VP of Fundraising Lelie Wright for organizing and leading this campaign!  Thank you to our Sponsors for making it possible to hold these wonderful events in support of our school community!  

Spartan PTO Diamond Partners


Taco Mama
Sumner and John Rives
Saginaw Pipe
Patti & Charles Wilkinson

Spartan PTO Platinum Partners

Libby and Robb Crumpton
Jason and Anna Comer
Butrus Family
Windle Family

Spartan PTO Gold Partners

Redmont Properties
Morgan and Philip Cook
Joe and Kam Patton
Jana & Carey Rome

Spartan PTO Silver Partners



Blackmon Rogers Architects, LLC
Leigh and Will Haver
The Caine Family
Natalie and Wes McDonald
Julie and Lee Pearce
Kate and Zach Mather
Arnold-Brown Metals & Supply Co., LLC
Mary Virginia & Josh Mandell
Byron & Caroline Woods
Daniel Dean
Katie and Chris McNeil
Lindsey and Tai Cripps
Alison and Tatum Lassiter
Ellen & Stephen Faust
Stewart Springer and Allison Springer

Spartan PTO Bronze Partners


Leigh Ann & Brandon Speake
Jackie and David Woodall
Hansell and Robert Boehme
Kelly and Lee Thompson
Corey and Jim Walker
The Holt family
Amy & Charles Moore
Carolyn and Bowen Thagard
Matthew and Taylor Brown
Powell & Dean Owens
Jessica and Ranson Roussel
Cam and John Earnhardt
Lindsey & Patrick Druhan
Tena and Naseem Ajlouny
Lindsey and John Lacey
Fluff and Atkins Roberts
The Ezelle Family
Anna & Benton Emblom
The Inscoe Family
Mary Grace Hubbard
Brooke and Chad Stracener
Kim and David Hobbs
Christi and Ben Lunsford
Anupam Agarwal and Lisa Curtis
Melody and Chris Eagan
Jennifer & Jason Sanders
Elizabeth and Reed Lawrence
The Crago family
Meg and David Kerr
Lyda and Kane Burnette
Meredith & Jay Spencer
Laura Finch
Michelle and Greg Suess
Angie Wood
Courtney and Michael Passarella

Mandi and Chris Cooper